Section header
Select the section(s) whose content will be shown in the single product view of all products, right before the page cover.
Transparent header
Control the header style on all single product views. The transparent header is applied only when there is either a pagecover image or a section (see previous option).
Share icons
Enable or disable the Share icon button.
Thumbnail on the side
Choose if you want to show the thumbnails on the left of the product image, or below it set to 'No'.
Product meta background
Select what the background color of the band that holds the product meta will be.
Related products
Select how many related products you want to show, if you want them displayed in a slider, and if yes, how many you want visible.Eg. with the settings shown above, the slider will cycle through 7 products, but only the 5 will be visible (5 columns in the slider).